Hystorian Wikia

LivVirtual LivVirtual 25 November 2022

Cyclic Schedule

right so

SEVEN-TO-SIX DAYS PRIOR: craving warmth and physical contact; feeling rather weepy and mawkish

FOUR-TO-THREE DAYS PRIOR: hormonal migraines begin; they last for approximately two days or so

ONE DAY PRIOR: fit as a fiddle and right as rain! still sensitive to the cold, but otherwise fine

THE DAY: (': have boiling water and a supply of ginger root or powder at hand to consume


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LivVirtual LivVirtual 28 August 2022






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LivVirtual LivVirtual 25 August 2021


today i went to the doctor's for a check-up. what no one tells you about doctor check-ups when you are a smol child™ is that once you reach your teen years, the doctor is obligated to start asking you abt your s//UaL activity.

doctor: "Do you have a boyfriend?"

liv: "ew, no."

liv immediately regrets her lack of a filter and sits for a few seconds, internally screaming that she had prefaced her actual response with an "ew."

but then he asked if i had a girlfriend and i forgot about my regret because WHOA i was not expecting that. like, everyone i know who's over 50 goes "):

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 10 July 2021









college prep. eugh.

the amber crow was mean to sister. but the amber crow was one of our friends ;-;

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 26 March 2021


my. counsellor emailed me because my grades are looking pretty trash right now. and she wanted to know why, because they WEREN'T trash before. she was like "what happened? you had such a good first semester!"

"sUcH A GoOd FiRSt sEmEsTer!!"

such! a good!! first semester!!! where i wouldn't eat! or sleep! from friday night until monday afternoon!! just so i could finish my frickin stupid dumb homework! like WOW was that a good first semester! absolutely terrific! amazing! that you'd judge how well my semester is going based off of my grades! as though my grades are a reflection of how well i'm doing as a person!

hahah it's kinda funny that my counsellor never ever wanted to talk to me when my grades were decent (: "there for students to talk to…

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 17 March 2021

sips tea


you really don't know how bad your relationship is with someone until they reach for something and you panic because you think they're pulling out a knife to use on you

no worries tho! twas nothing but an apron

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 23 December 2020


aaaaaaaa why. whys talking to people so hard these are my friends FRIENDS whys it feel like im walking on glass around them

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 26 November 2020

i like my sister

but i remember she called me stupid once in front of the whole youth group, and not coz she was angry of anything. she did it like as an explanation for something like, "hahah yeah, she's stupid. (:" all dismissive like, and idk man it bothered me

and today she was like "lol that;s on you that yur tired and haven't showered lol" but i feel like if it was someone else, she would've been like, "you should go take care of yourself better"

dude im not looking for any commentary or anything on it but i'm pretty aware that it's on me. like geez i'm stupid i get it and it's my fault but it still sucks whenever i'm reminded of it. why do you think i haven't showered or eaten? because i can't finish my dumb homework, and my dumb brain won't let me th…

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 18 November 2020

im so tired

i just want to be able to do things that i want but instead i have school. i hate school.

but for some reason, people think i like it? i think it's because i look like someone who would like school, but i really hate it. i hate having to do this. i hate that it takes me two hours to finish assignments that the rest of my classmates can finish in half an hour. i hate having to skip sleep and skip eating just so i can finish my fricking homework.

and i can't imagine what im going to do once i get to college?? i can go a day without sleeping and two days without eating but that's right now. what the heck am i going to do in college? how the heck is this supposed to be GOOD for me? at least i've gotten good at crying quietly though. everyone els…

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 2 November 2020


ahah so. i'm scared of being complimented i guess? (': wtfrick

i dont know why i'm scared? i should be doing hw for my art class but here i am typing a blog post. why am i scared? this doesn't make sense. am i scared? i feel really uncomfortable when people compliment me and i don't really know what im supposed to do when they do it.  

thonks thonks thonks thonks thonks

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 31 October 2020


aaay schoolwork (': 

i want to cry again wthecc i hate school

why is school so stressful?

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 19 October 2020


i wish i weren't tired 

i wish i weren't so useless either

i don't understand half of what's happening in my classes and it feels like i have to work twice as hard to accomplish something that everyone else can do with half the time and effort that i need. like, if i didn't need help then i wouldn't ask for it, you know? but it's so disheartening that whenever i ask for help from someone that i trust, they just tell me to figure it out by myself, or they ask why i don't know it.

it feels so weird to ask for help, and i hate how whenever i do, my voice has to go all high-pitched. like wtfrick is this, am i scared? why do i sound so nervous? why can't i just get the stupid lesson and not have to ask other people to explain it to me over and ove…

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 13 October 2020

Dream Journal

Oh dang I'm still tired.

I was in a walkway of a large building complex. The building was paper and wood, and it was above the ground, with green foliage surrounding it. It was so calm and serene and lovely.

Then I saw a horrifying cover of a new Spirit Animals book.

It was all my childhood now. All the things from my childhood.

The Seekers were there. Toklo and Kallik and Lusa. They were running from people. I switched between them. I hid in a ditch, beneath dead leaves, leaves rotting to mulch to cover me. I was running along a road lines by trees, it was a path, a highway, but it was high because it was high on a mountain. There were no cars. The road led no where but to a gorge. It dropped down and then I could see beyond it.

The Aang gang …

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 11 October 2020


I'm tired. I don't know why I'm tired. 

I think about all the people I knew but then never got to know. You know? Like, I knew so many people. I saw them and saw them around and starred their posts or whatever and joked on their threads but I just. never got to really know them, i guess? 

i think i just feel like i don't fit in. I feel bad about trying to start conversations with people or about asking things from them. i'm afraid they won't like me or won't want me around. and like, I join so many servers and things and stuff, but I don't do anything so

yeah idk

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 30 September 2020

I want to cry but I don't want to be loud

I put out the candle that my father lit in the room that I was in. I was in the room. He wasn't. If he wanted to light a candle so bad, why didn't he take it with him back to whatever room he was going to be in? like dang it isn't that hard; i didn't ask you to light any candles and put them in the room. If you want a candle then light it and take it. 

but when he came back later and saw that it was out, he got mad and said that I better watch out who I mess with or I'll get hit. 

I'll get hit.

I'll get hit.

I hate him so much. 

I'm so afraid of my father.

i used to be so scared that I being in the same room as him made me feel sick. now I try to hide that with disgust and anger, or i ignore him. If I pretend he doesn't exist then I feel better,…

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LivVirtual LivVirtual 29 September 2020

I'm so tired

I can't sleep. I'm really sad. I heard that reminiscing is supposed to be healthy because it strengthens empathy, but all it does is make me cry. I'm really scared. I don't think I'm ready to stop being a kid, and I know I'm SUPPOSED to stop but I'm so afraid. Everyone else seems to have let go of the past, but I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like everyone has moved on but I'm still stuck and it's been years. I'm so afraid to make friends online because I feel like I'll lose them. I feel like nothing that is good stays, and I know that it's true and that it's part of life but that doesn't make me feel any less scared and tired and sad. And I know that no one will respond because I'm posting on a dead wiki but I just need to get my t…

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Drachma Drachma 12 August 2015

Why are the category things that i did seem to have been undone?

Like, i was looking at WikiActivity and i noticed that Arin Cole had a lot of 'Adding categories' - but they were repeated. So - why? Whoever has been removing categories, please stop. Thank you o_o_o

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Drachma Drachma 29 July 2015

We have to figure out the Infobox things for the books - currently we have two.

Currently some pages have Template:Book while others have Template:Infobox book. We need to figure out which to use! Personally, i think The Infobox Book one should be for the Secrets, and the Book one for the main page. Leave a comment with what you think!

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Drachma Drachma 20 July 2015

So, a short word on categories...

Books and categories should not be categories. *walks out the door*

But, seriously, they are not good categories. Like, for a book, currently you guys have Category:A Mutiny in Time. You use it for the book, for characters, for events... No. Try making categories like A_Mutiny_In_Time_Character or Event_In_A_Mutiny_In_Time.

As for characters, ye don't need at all. Main_Character, fine. That's good. But Sera_Froste? No.

Leo, signing out! UP, UP, AND AWAAAAAAY!

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Cleverdragon76 Cleverdragon76 7 July 2015

Help ASAp

We need help creating this wiki, since it lacks content. YOU can help with this wiki, adding or editing articles, pictures and videos.

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EpicPegasus39 EpicPegasus39 7 July 2015


Welcome to the wikia everyone! How do you like it here? Don't forget to help with editing and adding pages!

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